
GSD pupils

GSD pupils are educated in such a way that seeks their personal enrichment through the development of all their skills and in the promotion of their social skills, which will enable them to participate objectively and productively in the improvement of their social and natural surroundings. They are educated in social plurality, and in an objective and balanced understanding of the society that surrounds them through access to culture, the practice of sports and a respect for nature. They are prepared to become part of society, proclaiming that education and knowledge are tools for personal development and social values that need to be shared.

Personal enrichment
through the development
of all their abilities

GSD teachers

The teachers are the foundation of the entire learning process. It is the teachers who guide, coordinate and lead the education method. Our teaching staff model positive leadership to pupils. They are drawn by a vocation to teach, show responsibility in fulfilling their duty, become involved in school activities and demonstrate teamwork. They exercise their teaching profession with optimistic goals based on patience, dialogue and authority.

GSD ensures all teachers have the appropriate communication and technical skills for their teaching role. This, therefore, ensures their continuous training in academic, pedagogical, methodological and technological aspects. GSD seeks stability in teaching teams and strives to offer families an experienced and brilliant profile in the skills outlined.

Professionally competent, the GSD teacher is demanding with others and with themselves, focused on their continuous training and being up-to-date in the use of ICT.

Learning in a global context
from teamwork

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