Renewable energy sources

GSD Cooperativa has taken one step further in its commitment to protecting the environment by installing solar photovoltaic plants in its centres.

Estos proyectos han sido subvencionados, a través del programa de incentivos ligados al autoconsumo y almacenamiento, con fuentes de energía renovable, así como a la implantación de sistemas térmicos renovables en el sector residencial en el marco del Plan de Recuperación, Transformación y Resiliencia, Financiado por la Unión Europea – NextGenerationEU.

Para más detalles sobre estas ayudas, puedes consultar los carteles publicitarios en el botón "Carteles Subvenciones", situado en la parte inferior de esta página.

GSD IS Buitrago
The 119.66 kWp photovoltaic field installation is made up of 260 x 455 Wp panels and an inverter with a nominal power of 100.00 kW.
GSD El Escorial
The 119.66 kWp photovoltaic field installation is made up of 242 x 455 Wp panels and an inverter with a nominal power of 100.00 kW.
GSD Guadarrama
The 122.76 kWp photovoltaic field installation is made up of 264 x 455 Wp panels and two inverters, each with a nominal power of 50.00 kW.
GSD Las Rozas
The 119.66 kWp photovoltaic field installation is made up of 263 x 455 Wp panels and an inverter with a nominal power of 100.00 kW.
GSD Las Suertes
The 119.66 kWp photovoltaic field installation is made up of 263 x 455 Wp panels and an inverter with a nominal power of 100.00 kW.
GSD Moratalaz
The 119.66 kWp photovoltaic field installation is made up of 263 x 455 Wp panels and two inverters, one with a nominal power of 40.00 kW and the other of 60.00 kW.
GSD Vallecas
The 119.67 kWp photovoltaic field installation is made up of 263 x 455 Wp panels and an inverter with a nominal power of 100.00 kW.
GSD Vallecas Escuela Infantil
The 36.85 kWp photovoltaic field installation is made up of 67 x 550 Wp panels and an inverter with a nominal power of 36.00 kW.
Oficinas Servicios Centrales San Moisés
The 15.47 kWp photovoltaic field installation is made up of 34 x 455 Wp panels and an inverter with a nominal power of 15.00 kW.

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